Sunday, September 13, 2009

Yours In Apology

Dear blogosphere,
So I disappeared for 2 months, appeared with a post and disappeared for another 2 or so months.
Not a way to treat my blogsvile family. I thought about leaving blogsville but my girlfriend told me not to abandon my folks like that.

It's been a tough period. Not as in trying but as in my schedule. No more school (thinking about getting a second Masters though) but work has been a butt kicker.

I will return in coming days and update properly, bring you up to speed on what's been going on all these while.

Forget me not blogsville, for I shall return in due time.
I shall rise above my schedule and all that keeps me busy (except my girl) and I shall return.

Yours in apology


Tigeress said...

lol. funny post. its been a minute- hope u're good.

Unknown said...

glad you are back

you are not forgiven though until you put up another post

Invisible said...

@ Tigress, I'm good o. Big things been popping. Will share soon.
I might need to be reintroduced back to blogosphere :(

@ Tisha, as you can see; I'm working on being back for real for real. Hope I don't fall off the wagon again. How've you been?

Unknown said...

i am good
yes i now when enigma got hooked.