Thursday, September 24, 2009

Independence From What???

So Nigeria's independence is coming around the corner. Indy bash here and there. I don't usually like to discuss topics that center on how far the country has come but I'm in a mood for ranting and raving.

How many years since Nigeria's independence from the British rule? How many years and how much does the country have to show for it? This is by no means a political debate. This is actually stemming from a discussion I had with a friend here who claimed Naija is now on point and all.
Sony ran an ad for the new PS3 and they made a reference to the online scams from Nigeria and what not and my friend got fired up and started a drive to have Sony withdraw the ad.
See ad here: Sony PS3 Slim Ad
I thought the ad was funny and I had no issue with Sony running the ad. That was how the debate started on how we as young folks need to go back and fix things. Anyways, that discussion is for another day.

So what's going on with Nigeria? I've been away for 7 years so maybe I'm not current on the current affairs. People say it's better now, better roads, nice buildings, shopping malls, this and that. You know what I tell those folks??? Good but not enough!!!!

It doesn't matter if they have streets paved with marbles and skyscrapers touching the heavens. Until basic amenities can be provided without stress, to me; no major improvement has been made in Nigeria. Until you can pull into a gas station, pump gas yourself and drive off without queue or sweat as it should in an oil producing country, the change is not good enough.

Until NEPA or PHCN or whatever they go by now can provide 24/7 electricity, until you can reach for your phone, dial 911, 999, 111, 777 or whatever and have emergency services reach you in 10 minutes, until firefighters can actually save a house and ambulances can race to real hospitals and save lives, the change is not good enough.

I've heard the argument that America or any other developed nations didn't get to where they are now in 50 years and so we should wait. Wait for how long?? No doubt, the country has come a long way. Shooo, 12 years ago, there was no MTN and now I hear all sorts, Glo, Zain, MTN, tongolo. You haven't heard of Tongolo?? Oh my. Ask your recharge card vendor.

Education wise, the country is not right. I hear ASUU has been on strike for like 2 months now? Over what? Another demand of pay raise? Why would teachers who are supposed to be building the blocks for these students be the ones to break those blocks? I don't get it. The mentality is sooo backwards, it amazes me. My brother spent 7 years in college for a 5 year degree.

When I was in college in naija, I was lucky not to have everlasting strikes but I had my fair share of closures and alutas and what not. Another story for another day jare. Private schools are popping up here and there which is great. But then, what about the ones who can't afford to pay for these schools? Even those who went to those private schools and graduated on time, what are they doing?

It looks like everyone is in the banking industry now. No offense to anyone, please. I absolutely apologize if I step on anyone's toes but I find something wrong with someone with a BSc in Computer Science working as a bank teller or whatever the title is. Why would I go to school to learn how to write software and design them to now be working as a bank person. I know food engineers working as bankers. What's up with that? Why can't the system have adequate infrastructures in place to cater to this minds blazing with new ideas that can propel the country even further. I don't blame these young folks. I blame the system that put them in this situation.

Nigeria needs a purging. Greed and self worth is sooo deep with the folks in authority that they don't care what happens to the children coming up after them.
Don't get me wrong. I love my country. I was born Nigerian and no matter how many citizenship I get to hold, I won't deny that (except the country becomes one cuckoo country). I just need these people in power to wake the frack up.

Happy independence in advance. I wish the country more power and improvements but dang it Nigeria, it's high time you took care of your own people. All that oil money can light up the country.

Like I said, I was in the mood to rant and rave. Work stress is not helping. Again and again, this was not intended to offend anyone. I just wanted to say my piece on how the powers that be are robbing the people of their rights.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Baby, Come Back!!!

Wow blogsville. How've y'all been?? Dang, it's been a long time. I shouldn't have left y'all without a dope beat to step to. Okay, I'm not Aaliyah so enough of that.
My bad folks. I sincerely apologize from the deepest ventricle of my heart. Bumight, help me with that anatomy.

So what happened?? Work happened.
I finished school back in May and it was nice getting a second degree and all; no more homeworks or projects and stuff. But work kicked in high gear. This high profile project had me working late into the night and on weekends. I'm running from church to go log into work at home. I'm staying till midnight at work, my car being lonely in the parking lot. Work kicked my butt. It's still kicking it but I'm kicking it back; I'm not supposed to work myself to wahala. Which levels???

So what has been happening all these while?? I'll give a summary and then I'll go into details in subsequent posts.
  • Enigma got married!!! Believe that.
  • I bought a house, up and left my parents. Yay me!
  • My girlfriend says she wants to meet BB. Hmmm
  • Why am I thinking getting married more frequently now?
  • I can't think of anything else. I'm at work and I'm making myself take a break by force.
  • I'm trying to destress from all these work stress.
Obviously and apparently, I've deviated from listing what has been happening. Sorry.
I know a lot of you might have 'unrolled' me from your blogroll and I have to win you back.
Sorry; ndo; kpe; ma binu; merci; *insert native language for sorry here*.

I'm going to try and stay on track. I'll be upfront and let you know that I may not update as frequently as before but I will do my best not to be too distant anymore. See as I'm begging sef. Is blogsville that unforgiving? I think not.

So bumight, badderchic, Solomonsydelle, Ms O, shonavixen, naijababe, buttercup, charizard, aloted, just toluwa, doll, lady koko, funms, miz-cynic, MDM, sting, brown sugar, ibiluv, temite, wellsbaba, afrobabe, misslove, naijalines, *catches breath* whew.
Okay, I feel like I'm giving a speech and calling out folks.
For all those I missed, I got love for y'all. Oya come show me some!!!.

Yours in apology.

Yours In Apology

Dear blogosphere,
So I disappeared for 2 months, appeared with a post and disappeared for another 2 or so months.
Not a way to treat my blogsvile family. I thought about leaving blogsville but my girlfriend told me not to abandon my folks like that.

It's been a tough period. Not as in trying but as in my schedule. No more school (thinking about getting a second Masters though) but work has been a butt kicker.

I will return in coming days and update properly, bring you up to speed on what's been going on all these while.

Forget me not blogsville, for I shall return in due time.
I shall rise above my schedule and all that keeps me busy (except my girl) and I shall return.

Yours in apology

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wha Gwan Mon???

Wow, it's been over 2 months since I last posted. I won't be surprised if some of y'all have dropped me from your blog list. I'm still here though. I used to come around and read blogs, post comments every now and then but whew, it's been a busy time for me. I haven't even been coming as frequently as I used to anymore.
I got love for y'all, the time just gets stolen away by the daily tasks.

This past month of May was an awesome month in many ways. It was really busy too but it was busy in a good way.
So have y'all been? I've been gone too long to just flow back into this mehn. Where is a good meme when you need one? Let's see how I can get my groove back. I may never do that but I'll try.

You would think I have more time on my hands now that I'm done with school. Yup, graduated last month with my Master's degree, getting my diploma in the mail next week. Honestly, if someone asks me what I'm going to do now or if I'm going to go for phD one more time, I will sue them.
What is it with people? What is their business with what I want to do now? If I want to chill and not do anything, my perogative dammit. Jeez, I have a stable job I'm trying to garner more experience on, leave me alone. People don't understand that in today's world education - experience = nothing. You need both, I have my education, lemme go get my experience and I'll decide when I have enough of that.

People, I am vexing o. Imagine, I graduated and 2 hours after graduation, this dude is preaching to me about going picking up a phD form in 2 days. What the frack? (to steal that from buttercup). Digression, my girlfriend and I enjoyed your post on facebook toasters b'cup and the phrase "what the frack?" has been copied a few times.

Okay, back on track. This dude was telling me my masters was nothing except I get hooded with a doctorate. I wanted to tell the guy "frack you" if not because he was the pastor that was invited to come pray at the after party. (You know naijas can't do without gele and ayefele).

My dad had to apologize later that he wasn't expecting the guy to say all that and he was pissed too. Geez, how about you give me credit for killing myself to get that done. The dude told me not to take calls from girls and focus on my phD for 5 years and then I can talk to girls. I was like 'this dude is clueless'.
1- I already have a girlfriend who's awesome inside and outside, all around so I don't need to be taking any calls from girls.
2- I have a life and I ain't putting that on hold for 5 year 'cause you said so. 5 years?? Gosh, I should be a married daddy in 5 years. What nonsense??

Personally, I don't give a frack about phD (okay I need to chill with this frack thing). Anyways, I just accepted his prayer and threw his advise away. He can save it for his kids.

Let me get back to work jare. That memory just boiled my blood. It feels good to be back. I can't say I'm back fully though, I still have some busy days/weeks ahead of me. I'll be back to share more May testimonies.

Babington, koova my thomka. (Coded sturvs, don't try to figure it out)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Is This It???

Blogosians!!! You'll have to forgive me. I've been MIA big time. Well, not totally. I've been away but I've been here. How can I be here and not here??? I'm invisible, I'm where you don't see me. hehehe.
I've not been here because I've not been updating as I would love to and I've not been reading posts or commenting but I've been here because I've been reading posts and leaving comments when I can. This is a long thing, I'm beginning to confuse myself sef.

So why have I been MIA?? Folks, it's been busy. This is the last semester of my Masters program (whoot! whoot!!), graduation's in 5 weeks. With that comes the work of school. Projects, assignments, homeworks, quizzes, exams, all of it. I'm taking full time classes so you can multiply all that work as many times as you want.

I've also been working full time. Yup, doing the 8-5 also. Imagine waking up at 6am, driving an hour to get to work, working 8 hours (make it 9 hours plus lunch) then drive an hour to school, listen to a lecture for 4 hours then drive 30 minutes home. Yeah, when I get home, I just want to get food (if it's not too late) and talk to girlfi and sleep.
It's so crazy that I have to take my school work to work and work on my lunch break and sometimes in between work (I hope folks from work don't read this) and still with all that time, I can't complete the homework.
This is the semester that I might get the worst grade since I started my graduate classes a year ago but I don't care, I just want to be done.

So blogsville, if I've been MIA, forgive me. It looks like I've been whining but it is what it is. I read blogs to relax, get a laugh and chill but not enough time to comment or update.
Sorry to all the folks whose request for updates I kinda ignored. It wasn't on purpose and sorry to all my blogosians I haven't been in touch with.

So what's with the blog title???
I'm wondering o. Have I lost the blogging thing?? I don't think I'll have that much time after graduation to be updating either. Work alone and traffic is enough to take all my time.
I thought about blogging once in a while but I don't want to be like Enigma (oh oh). If I want to update, I want to update on a consistent level not once in 4 months but it's either that or I bow out before I lose my lustre or whatever's left of it.
By the way, I'm also being a full time boyfriend and I can't put that aside either.
I guess we'll see what happens.

Una welldone o. I wasn't nominated for any naija blogger's award!!! Not even for disappearing act??? Maybe I should work on my disappearing for next year!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

So long, BB!

Whew, it's been a few weeks. Sorry peoples, couldn't help it. School has resumed again and work is there and trust me, it's not easy combining both full time. his is my last semester though so let's just get it over with. I'm taking one undergraduate class that's just retarded. It's called Principles of Financial Accounting. I don't need the class but it's a requirement and since I didn't do anything core business related in my undergrad, I didn't have to take it. My teacher sucks. She assigned like 40 questions as homework. #1, I haven't done homework in ages; I do projects and write papers. Then she turned and asked that we only submit like 10 questions. So why make me do 40 questions if you only need 10. Then she spent 2 hours of a 3 hour class reviewing the homework and then had to rush us for the next hour. What was all that rubbish? That's one reason why I don't miss undergrad work. My grad classes will be awesome.

So I introduced BB a while ago. BB was the second me that was out there. He didn't play nice with girls. He told it like it was, no sugar coating. He just wanted to play. In reality I am AA, quiet, easy going, nice and what not. I'm not going to describe myself. I'm invisible, you're not supposed to see or know me. When I needed a balance between the two people, I came up with AB. Nice and not so nice, quiet and not quiet.
So why did I bring up BB?? He's about to leave. He's been incognito for a while now. AA has been in control full swing and it's been wonderful. I didn't even notice that he was almost gone till buttercup mentioned it. (Hey B'cup!!!). It's not really because I re-met my friend but it really wasn't me. It was an attempt to break away from my norm, be wild and all that.
I'm still watching to see if I want to kill him off completely. I think I'll keep a bit of him though and stay as AB, that way, I can still get on the level when I need to be naughty. My naughtiness does not involve 3rd parties o. I can be naughty with one person, thank you.

Okay, I think I'm having writer's block. I was getting sleepy at work (so much for that diligence abi?) so I decided to write a bit.

If you look through my posts, you'll find a few rantings of BB but I doubt if I'll be making anymore. If I do, it will be AB recounting the days of BB.
So feel free to express your parting wishes to BB. For the folks, that prefer BB to AA or AB, I'm sorry he's leaving but he's got to go.

BB here. It looks as if I'm about to x'ed. It was nice meeting y'all and thanks for reading my escapades as PG 13 as they were. That AA dude won't let me go into details. My yansh ogling days are over and I'm no longer allowed to be random flirting with them fine fine ladies, oyinbo o, single o, married o. Hmmm, thinking back to those days ...
I carried a coup and kicked out AA but he's gotten reinforcements I can't battle. The dude is hooked on this chick like she's alcohol and I can't compete with that.
Once again, it has been a pleasure. Sayonara!!!